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Research and Careers

Guide to Professionalism

Make sure to read the U of T Code of Student Conduct. U of T Engineering is a Professional Faculty accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. Your degree will make you eligible to become a professional engineer (P.Eng.). Because of this, engineering education has some different requirements than other non-professional degrees.  As a U … Read More

Engineering Science Education Conference (ESEC)

ESEC 2024 Speaker Raffaello D’Andrea and his audience [Source] What is ESEC? The Engineering Science Education Conference (ESEC) is an EngSci student-run, EngSci-exclusive annual conference held every January, mandatory for Year 1 and 2 EngSci students and optional for Years 3 and 4. The goal of ESEC is for you to expand your horizons to … Read More

Guide to Internships

Work experience is integral to a complete engineering education. As a student in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering (FASE), you will be required to complete 600 work hours to be eligible for graduation as per the Practical Experience Requirement.  The FASE’s Professional Experience Year (PEY) Co-op program can help you achieve your Practical … Read More

Guide to Summer Research

For up-to-date information on the various ESROP programs, please refer to the EngSci Info Hub on Quercus. You can access it starting in September. You will also receive emails about ESROP from Don Newton, Curriculum and Research Officer, in the fall. What is Engineering Research? Engineering research involves development, optimization, and discovery in engineering fields. … Read More

Networking and Mentorship

As an EngSci student, you’ll have access to many networking and mentorship events and programs. Take advantage of these! All of us have struggled with something in first year. From choosing which design team to join, to what resume template to use, to problem-solving strategies for CIV102 problem sets, and emailing professors for research positions. … Read More

Opportunities Abroad

The University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering is incredibly excited to offer students opportunities to study and research abroad, with many different programs, destinations, and time spans available. Dean of Engineering, Chris Yip, has been moving towards creating global opportunities for all U of T engineers, with his eventual goal to have … Read More