This is your go-to stop for all EngSci-specific information. The EngSci Info Hub is a Quercus page that you will be automatically added to, where you can find resources, opportunities within the EngSci community, and general updates. You’ll see it on your dashboard right next to your courses, so it’s easy to find.
Below is a list of sections within the EngSci Info Hub and what you can expect from each. The hub is regularly updated by the EngSci office and may include additional sections and information based on the latest resources and services.
Be sure to check it out when it becomes available to you in early September!

Academic Planning and Advising
Do you have questions about the EngSci majors or how to enroll in a minor/certificate? You can find all this information plus graduation requirements, academic policies, curriculum information, and more in this section. Additionally, when you’re planning for your thesis in your fourth year, you can find information on available thesis projects and support here.

Services and Resources
From academic support to campus safety to job hunting, the Services and Resources page has it all. In this section, you can find Mental health & wellness resources, academic supports (e.g., GEARS), job application supports (e.g., resume writing, mentorship, etc.), U of T campus map, and more.

If you’re looking for opportunities available to you as an EngSci student, look no further than the Opportunities section in the Info Hub. You will find information about employment opportunities (PEY, summer internships, etc.) and research positions (ESROP), grad school positions, volunteer opportunities (student clubs, EngSci, etc.), and awards/fellowships.

Graduate School Info
While you might not be preparing your graduate school application just yet, it is never too early to start exploring your options. The Graduate School Info section includes information from applying to US grad schools to where to find postings, how to write your statement of interest, advice from professors and much more.

If you’re interested in learning more about the experiences and achievements of fellow EngSci students and alumni, explore the News and Profiles section in the Info Hub. Here, you can read inspiring profiles of alumni and current students and discover how some of our legendary EngSci alums began their careers.