Engineering Communication Program (ECP)

Aside from being well versed in technical skills and scientific knowledge, a successful engineer must have good communication skills. This is because you must be capable of communicating your ideas to many people in a concise and effective manner. 

However, this is no easy feat to do on your own. That’s why there are programs such as the Engineering Communication Program (ECP) to help you develop strong communication skills that will serve you throughout your career.  

The ECP provides integrated communication education and ensures that students can become top contributing professionals in their field. They provide many resources, sessions, and other supports that cover communication skills from oral presentations to proper citations. Do you know there is an online handbook for engineering writing? You can also book tutoring appointments or take some of the electives they offer. So if you want to sharpen your skills, the ECP has what you need to become a top contributing professional in your future career.