Health and Wellness Resources

Your physical and mental health are crucial to your success as a student. We really encourage you to take advantage of the resources offered for free to all U of T students. For more information, you can visit the U of T Mental Health Care website, the Health & Wellness website, and the Engineering Mental Health & Wellness website.

Your Academic Advisor

Your academic advisor is an amazing resource and support who is available to you throughout your time at U of T. If you ever want to talk about your mental health, academics, or life in general, book an appointment with your advisor. EngSci has two academic advisors for Years 1 and 2. Stephen Johns, for domestic students ( and Irma Berardi, for international students ( You can read more about Stephen and Irma in our Meet the EngSci Office post, and book an appointment with them through the Advising Portal.

U of T Health and Wellness

The Health & Wellness Office provides U of T students with medical and mental health services to help support them in achieving their personal and academic best. If you would like to meet with a doctor and/or sign up for a Health & Wellness program, please visit the Health & Wellness websiteThe campus doctor’s clinic is at 700 Bay Street, a 1.5 km walk from Bahen.

Health Insurance

Full-time U of T students get a very affordable health insurance plan. To take advantage of your plan, go to a participating office (many are close to campus) and fill out a form with your practitioner. For forms and further information visit U of T Student Care.  
For international students, remember that regular doctor visits are free with a UHIP (University Health Insurance Plan) card. 
If you’re already covered by an equivalent health and/or dental plan (such as a parent’s or spouse’s employee benefit plan), you can opt out during the Change-of-Coverage Period, which is usually open during the month of September. You should determine which plan would be more affordable/effective for your needs. Refer to the Student Care University of Toronto Student Union Opt Out page for more information.

Navi – Mental Health Wayfinder

Navi is an anonymous virtual agent that will help you find mental health resources at U of T. Navi can be more effective than just a Google search, as you will only receive results tailored to U of T students. Navi uses a text chat interface which resembles texting a person, which can make the experience easier and less intimidating. 

Find out more about Navi on the Navi Mental Health Wayfinder website. Keep in mind that Navi is not a person and should only be used to find information about U of T mental health services. Do not provide any personally identifying or health-related information about yourself or anybody else.

U of T Telus Health Student Support

U of T Telus Health Student Support offers immediate and/or ongoing confidential support and counselling for school, health and general life concerns at no cost for U of T students. You can call or chat with a counsellor directly from your phone whenever and wherever you are. Support is available in over 146 languages. The number to call for U of T Telus Health Student Support is 1-844-451-9700 inside North America and 001-416-380-6578 outside North America. 

Engineering Mental Health & Wellness

The Engineering Mental Health & Wellness website outlines all the mental health support specifically for U of T Engineering students. All the listed resources link to their own webpages, making it a great starting point for finding specific and personalized support within U of T Engineering. This convenient resource guide compiles all these resources together. You can also sign up for the Mental Wellness Weekly Round-Up Newsletter to stay up to date with all the mental health services and programs offered by U of T Engineering. U of T Engineering has a dedicated Mental Health Programs Officer who may be contacted at

U of T Mental Health Care

From their website, “U of T Mental Health Care provides a range of health services, including same-day counselling appointments, evidence-based group therapy, short-term intensive counselling or psychotherapy, and more. This is available to all full-time or part-time U of T students.”