What is the EngSci Club?
EngSci Club is the official discipline club for all Engineering Science students, including you! It is made up of upper-year students who are passionate and excited to give back to the community. They run the EngSci Dinner Dance, Nocturne (EngSci talent show), and many common room activities throughout the year. They are also here as a resource and point of reference for anything you might need, from personal lockers on campus, to navigating the university’s resources and supports.
What does EngSci Club do?
EngSci Club does everything from advocating for your academic needs to planning board game nights, all with the goal of making your EngSci experience the best it can be.

On the academic side, EngSci Club works with class representatives—a role you can apply for as a first year—and first- and fourth-year chairs to communicate concerns regarding courses and instructors to the faculty. EngSci Club also helps students connect to useful academic resources, including course-specific google drives with plenty of useful resources, within the Division of Engineering Science and the broader Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering.
EngSci Club manages the Common Room and runs socials for EngSci students, which often occur in the EngSci Common Room. Past socials have included game nights, holiday celebrations, town halls, and the annual EngSci Dinner Dance and Talent Show. EngSci Club also manages locker rentals, which are a great asset to first-year students who don’t want to carry around their textbooks and other school supplies throughout the entire day.
Additionally, EngSci Club ensures equity in all club activities, and works with commuter and international students to improve their university experience. They push for mental health and wellness to always be front of mind.
Finally, EngSci Club is an amazing resource for information about all things EngSci, FASE, and U of T. You can follow their Instagram @engsciclub, check out their website engsci.skule.ca, and stay tuned for their fun emails all throughout the year!
Meet the EngSci Club Team
The EngSci Club team works to give all EngScis the best possible experience both in and out of the classroom. The team is made up of elected executive members (Chair, Vice Chairs, and Vice Presidents) and 18 appointed directors with a variety of roles. If you’re interested in becoming a member of EngSci Club, make sure to look out for their recruitment cycles. Even as a first-year, there are numerous roles in which you can get involved and have your voice heard!
The executive team currently consists of Darya and Riann, who are Vice President Academic and Vice President Communications, respectively.

EngSci 2T6 Aerospace

EngSci 2T6 Aerospace + PEY
More from the Team
Our main goal this year is to foster community and ensure everyone feels like they belong in EngSci. EngSci is really challenging but it can also be very fun and rewarding, which is what we’re hoping to highlight across our events and initiatives. We’re also hoping to improve the safety, utility, and cleanliness of the common room to ensure that all EngScis have access to a safe location that serves as both a productive study space and a fun social area to meet each other!
The EngSci Dinner Dance! It’s a fun formal night out for EngScis with a full course meal, dancing, and photobooths 📸. This is also where we show the EngSci Dinner Dance Movie.

Nocturne! This is EngSci’s annual talent show hosted in the Spring, where Professor Davis is the MC and EngScis show off all their incredible talents.
The Common Room! Our office is located here so drop by and say hi 🙂 this is the central hub for all EngScis.

We have more exciting surprises up ahead so follow @engsciclub on Instagram!