Other Engineering Buildings

Although you might have fewer classes in these buildings, they are still extremely interesting. Perhaps you’ll find yourselves in one of these buildings for design team work or summer research!

Find the Haultain Building (HA) on a map of U of T.

HA as seen from inside the alley

The Haultain Building is located in an alley between the Mechanical Engineering Building (MC) and the Lassonde Mining Building (MB). You may or may not have some tutorials in this building. HA also houses the U of T Formula Racing Team (UTFR) and their workshop.

Entrance to HA through the alley (center), as viewed from King’s College Road. Note MC on the left and MB on the right [Source]
HA401 Classroom

Find the Lash Miller Chemical Laboratories (LM) on a map of U of T.

LM as seen from the McLennan Physical Laboratories. Photo by Chris Thomaidis. [Source]

The Lash Miller Chemical Laboratories houses the Department of Chemistry. You may have some physics-related lectures in this building. Fun fact: LM is currently undergoing a huge expansion for the new home of the Acceleration Consortium, which is a global network for materials discovery doing research in materials science, artificial intelligence, robotics, and quantum chemistry.

Find the Lassonde Mining Building (MB) on a map of U of T.

Aerial view of MB from College Street [Source]
MB128 lecture hall

The Lassonde Mining Building houses the Lassonde Institute of Mining. You will most likely have calculus lectures in this building, in the iconic old-school MB128 lecture hall, in addition to some labs in your later years. The hallway outside this room is home to the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame, which contains long display cases which showcase various Canadians that contributed to the mining industry, such as Joseph Tyrell and Pierre Lassonde.

Find the McLennan Physical Laboratories (MP) on a map of U of T.

View of MP from the walkway [Source]
MP102 lecture hall. These lecture halls have multiple screens with a large demonstration table at the front

The McLennan Physical Laboratories houses the Department of Physics. Since EngSci has so many physics-related classes, you’ll have many lectures and labs in this building. In first year, you might have CIV102, calculus, and PHY180 lectures, as well as PHY180 labs labs/tutorials, in MP. The entrance to MP from St George Street is a long, canopied walkway, which looks great all year-round.

Find the Medical Sciences Building (MS) on a map of U of T.

MS as viewed from King’s College Circle. Note that this area has been recently renovated. Photo by Bob Krawczyk. [Source]

The enormous Medical Sciences Building (AKA MedSci) houses the Temerty Faculty of Medicine. It is located close to the engineering buildings. You might have a lecture in MS, but most importantly, MS is home to the Medical Sciences Cafeteria, a popular lunch spot with a variety of food options. To learn more, read our post on Where to Eat.

Find the Wallberg Memorial Building (WB) on a map of U of T.

MB as viewed from College Street. Photo by Philipp Klockner from Google Images.
WB116 lecture hall, where you may have some lectures and exams

The Wallberg Building houses the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry (ChemE) and the Department of Material Science & Engineering (MSE). As an EngSci, you might have the occasional lecture, tutorial, or lab in WB. Some professors, such as Professor Cluett from ESC103, have their offices here, so you might come to WB for office hours as well.

Find UTIAS on Google Maps here.

Aerial view of UTIAS [Source]
Drone testing inside the UTIAS mars dome [Source]

Composed of multiple engineering buildings, the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS) is located 17 km from campus in North York*. It houses world-renowned labs in aerodynamics, propulsion, aircraft flight, structures, space systems, physics, robotics, and artificial intelligence. EngSci Aerospace students might have one or two upper-year classes here. If you’re involved with the University of Toronto Aerospace Team (UTAT) or aUToronto, you will likely have regular team meetings here. Furthermore, EngScis often hold summer research fellowships at UTIAS labs!

*You could say that UTIAS is a “satellite campus”!! Get it??